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October 2024

Audiophile dreams: Proud MUTEC customer presents his clock‑tower

From passion to perfection: How Mr. Akkaya fulfilled his lifelong dream and why MUTEC plays a central role in it.

Fully equipped: 6x MUTEC MC3+ USB, 1x REF10 SE120, 1x REF10 NANO in one system

Mr. Akkaya is not your typical hi‑fi enthusiast. He humorously refers to himself as a passionate nerd. The hobby bassist has dedicated his life to achieving perfect sound quality. My passion for audio and visual technology was instilled in me from a young age. After a tragic loss in the family, he decided to realize his dream, motivated by the question: If not now, then when?

His careful planning and attention to detail led to a unique hi‑fi system centered around an impressive MUTEC clock‑tower, consisting of a REF10 SE120 and six MC3+ USB units. The project, named Seelenklang-Studio, is dedicated to his mother. It is based on three pillars: a passion for music, sharing and experiencing together, and remembrance. The studio is intended to be a place of inspiration and cultural exchange.

The MUTEC hi‑fi tower in detail

Rear view and cabling of MUTEC REF10 SE120 and MC3+ USB

A key component of the clock‑tower is the MUTEC REF10 SE120. As the central clock generator, it provides an extremely precise and stable base. Its reference clock is distributed to a USB hub and a Sotm network player via two MUTEC PSC 50 digital cables. Additionally, the REF10 SE120 supplies six MC3+ USB units using high-quality MUTEC PSC 75 BNC cables.

One of the MC3+ USB serves as the main interface for all playback devices in the system, such as MacBook Pro, audio streamers, servers, CD and Blu‑ray players. The signal then passes through four MC3+ USBs, which are connected to each other via an AES/EBU cable. The sixth MC3+ USB in the network controls a connected digital‑to‑analog converter.

Additionally, a MUTEC REF10 NANO outside the hi‑fi tower provides a stable clock to a USB audio interface. This well‑thought‑out arrangement enables precise signal processing, ensuring that every musical detail is reproduced accurately.

The complete setup in the Seelenklang studio

Detailed sketch of the digital hi-fi system

Mr. Akkaya invested a lot of time in researching and planning his system. His focus was on an adequate power supply, the right cabling and the optimal arrangement of the devices. Over time, he amassed an impressive collection of DACs from Antelope, Chord, RME, and T+A, along with other audio components. He alternates between Genelec 8351b speakers with GLM calibration software and a pair of Genelec 8010a when a smaller setup is needed. However, his clock‑tower exclusively houses MUTEC devices and cables, ensuring the highest precision and linearity.

His patience, persistence, and countless tests have paid off. He is now rewarded with a unique sound: The soundstage is so incredibly clear [...] I hear things I never noticed before, or that I completely missed. It's truly astonishing.

Once MUTEC, Always MUTEC

MUTEC clocks in a modern hi-fi system

Mr. Akkaya is absolutely convinced of MUTEC products and enthusiastically recommends them. He emphasizes that the devices and cables are beyond reproach: Once MUTEC, always MUTEC. Made in Germany, of course.

Mr. Akkaya's journey is far from over. He plans to continue refining and improving his audio setup. Just recently, he ordered additional BNC cables from MUTEC to further enhance his system's sound quality. His dedication and pursuit of perfection remain unwavering.

An inspiration for all

MUTEC clock-tower in the customer's system

Mr. Akkaya's audio journey is an inspiring example of how passion and dedication can lead to a high‑end system that meets the highest audiophile standards. His setup impressively demonstrates the quality and reliability of our components. True to the pillars of the Seelenklang Studio - passion, sharing and experience - we would like to inspire other audio enthusiasts to discover and try out the many possible uses of MUTEC products for themselves.

Thank you, Mr. Akkaya, for your inspiring story and your enthusiasm for MUTEC. We wish you continued joy with your unique audio system.

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