April 2022
Canadian MUTEC distributor Music First presented a true high-end installation at the Montréal Audiofest in late Marc. The carefully composed setup represented the current State Of The Art
in digital audio reproduction and was valued at over US $ 250,000.
In this
Cost No Object
system, only the highest quality components were used, regardless of their respective price. We are all the more pleased that three devices from MUTEC were entrusted with a key task. The combination of REF10 SE120 with 2 x MC3+USB provided the central re-clocking of the system. Kerry Legeard of Music First describes the impact of these MUTEC devices as follows:
We at Music First find the MUTEC digital reclocking components indispensable in any digital setup. In the show system we used two MUTEC MC3+USBs each reclocked with a MUTEC REF10 120SE in a configuration we like to call 'The Stack'. Put in other terms, the MUTEC Stack represented less than 5% of the total value of our reference system at the show! As for the contribution to the sound; in a word let's just say it is priceless! We at Music First have yet to find a DAC or source that doesn't benefit from MUTEC components, regardless of design or cost.
A proud Kerry Legeard of Music First Canada in front of the exceptional high-end audio system, where MUTEC's REF10 SE120 and MC3+USB made their important contribution to the outstanding sound performance.
Below is a detailed breakdown of the complete setup of Music First at Montréal Audiofest 2022:
The digital source is the Pink Faun 2.16 Ultra player feeding the Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC. Digital reclocking is done through two MUTEC Mc3+USB word clocks connected in series between the Pink Faun and the Tambaqui. Each MC3+USB unit is fed by a MUTEC REF10 120SE Master Clock. Amplification is provided by the Audionet Humboldt Integrated Amplifier. Speakers are the omnidirectional Bayz Audio Courantes, supported by a pair of REL Gibraltar subwoofers. All cabling is the inakustik Silver Referenz Air. All power cords are the Ear to Ear Half Helix or the HC Full Helix.
The critic Robert Schryer of the renowned magazine Stereophile
described the music reproduction over this pure digital audio system with the following words:The sound from this setup was special: seductive, natural, filigreed, with well-defined, stable images.
The reputable audiophile website enjoythemusic.com
even gave this ambitious high-end system a special award. For author Rick Becker it was pretty clear: This room was one of the Best Of Montreal 2022 at the show.
More about the REF10 SE120
More about the MC3+USB
Distributor contact:
Music First Distribution
Phone: 001-905-541-5423
Web: musicfirstdistribution.ca
Contact: Kerry Legeard
HiFi/Consumer only